Frequently Asked Questions
How will I know if my medical problem is suitable for virtual service?
Before setting up a virtual appointment, contact the relevant clinic to see if the requested service is indeed available and if it applies to your condition.
What are the advantages of remote medical care?
On the one hand, you get the professional and quality care you would at the clinic. On the other hand:
You save the drive, parking and waiting in line.
You avoid exposure to other patients and infections.
You enjoy your pleasant and calm home environment.
You can add a family member or friend to the conference call.
Is there a difference between the service I will get if I physically come to Sheba or use the virtual service?
No, there is no difference. The treatment is provided by the Sheba team, which can examine you remotely using innovative technologies. If a physical examination is required at the clinic, you will be invited to come to Sheba. There is even an advantage to the virtual encounter: You can see the therapist's face while, when meeting at the clinic, the caregivers may wear masks.
Can I get prescriptions or test referrals from the doctor?
A summary letter with the medical recommendations will be available in your personal file on Sheba Connect or will be sent by e-mail. You can take the letter to your attending physician for prescriptions or referrals as needed.
Is the medical information transferred through virtual session secured?
Of course. The disclosed information is managed according to the strictest information security standards customary to health organizations in Israel.
Are there risks to remote treatment?
You just might get addicted to them and no longer want to visit the clinic :) Seriously though: There are no risks to remote treatment. In any event, if you need a physical test or treatment at the hospital, you will be invited to the hospital.
It is important that the patients share their feelings and relevant information with the therapist, just as they should do at the clinic.
Technical problems might occur where cellular or internet reception is poor or the telephone is faulty. In this case, you may have to reschedule or visit the clinic in person.
What if I don't have a smartphone?
Treatment can be provided by smartphone, laptop or desktop computer with a camera.
Does the service cost money?
Visits for which you have a Health Fund commitment (Form 17) will not be subject to any additional payment. If you do not have Form 17 or where you are seeking a private service, the visit will be subject to a fee.
How do I set up an appointment?
After verifying your suitability for the service at the requested clinic, schedule an appointment on Sheba's digital appointment center and note that you are requesting a virtual appointment.